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What’s the difference between microblading and ombré powder?
The main difference between microblading and ombre powder brow is the technique.
Microblading is done manually with a small handheld blade made up of several tiny needles. This blade is used to insert pigment by cutting thin, hair like strokes into the upper layers of the skin. Microblading is used to create a natural looking brow by mimicking real hair. Microblading is not recommended to anyone with oily skin or scar tissue in the brow area. Microblading is considered to have more of a natural look and lasts 6-18 months.
Ombre powder brows are done with a small machine by making small dots into the upper layer of the skin, this is to create a more filled in/makeup look. Ombre powder brows hold in the skin and lasts much longer than microblading. Ombre powder brows are great for all skin types including oily skin. Ombre powder brows lasts 12-24 months.

Hi! I'm Jenn a permanent makeup artist and trainer. After 8 years, thousands of faces and 1k+ students, I've learned what works and what doesn't in permanent makeup.
Taking as little as a couple of hours to yourself every 12-24 months will save you SO much time daily.
So if you're ready to feel more confident and look your best, let's do your brows!
Michelle has been certified in permanent makeup
for over 6 years. She has multiple certificates and has been trained by Jenn.
Specializing in microblading, ombre powder brows and lip blush!
She is also a permanent makeup trainer with
Eyebrows by Jenn training academy.

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